Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Super Funny!

Here is a conversation that Dani and i had with a friend.
I wont show her name...so her name will be blocked out by_____ ok?
Its kinda long so...ENJOY!!!!!!!!

Kris+Dani [6:39 P.M.]: Hey ___, its Kris and Dani
________[6:40 P.M.]: Hey
________ [6:40 P.M.]: What's up
Kris+Dani [6:41 P.M.]: Kris: nuthin much, escept the sky, the celling, the atmosphere, the tropsh----GETS CUT BY DANI
________ [6:41 P.M.]: lol
Kris+Dani [6:41 P.M.]: Dani: Jezz you are getting annoying..
________ [6:41 P.M.]: LOL
Kris+Dani [6:41 P.M.]: Kris: sor-ry I am just answering her question
Kris+Dani [6:41 P.M.]: Dani: rolls eyes, and hits with ladle
Kris+Dani[6:42 P.M.]: Kris: a laddle?
Kris+Dani[6:42 P.M.]: no, ladle---YES A LADLE!!
Kris+Dani [6:42 P.M.]: Kris: cooking utensil?
________ [6:43 P.M.]: lol
________ [6:43 P.M.]: *sits back and watches*
Kris+Dani [6:43 P.M.]: Dani: hits with nearest thing wich happens to be a cymbol
________ [6:43 P.M.]: O_O
Kris+Dani [6:43 P.M.]: Kris: ducks and laughs creeply
Kris+Dani [6:43 P.M.]: MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!
Kris+Dani [6:43 P.M.]: Dani: backs away slowly
Kris+Dani [6:44 P.M.]: Dani: o.O We'll be going now...
Kris+Dani [6:44 P.M.]: Kris: you mean YOU'LL be going now...right? RIGHT!!???!?!?
________ [6:44 P.M.]: o.o
________[6:44 P.M.]: *steps back and starts to run a away screaming her head off*
Kris+Dani [6:45 P.M.]: -Dani has been momentarly kick off the computer-
________ [6:45 P.M.]: o.o
Kris+Dani [6:45 P.M.]: Kris and Dani: DONT GO!!! NUUUUUU!U!!!!!!!
Kris+Dani [6:45 P.M.]: Kris: watches dayna creeply lughs and flips out....steps back
________ [6:45 P.M.]: *walks back normally trying to ignore the conversation their having* Let's rephrase that... How are you?
Kris+Dani [6:46 P.M.]: Dani: I luff corn porridfe...
________ [6:46 P.M.]: o.o
Kris+Dani [6:46 P.M.]: Kris: I am fine but corny here is hurting in the head...if you catch my drift..
________ [6:46 P.M.]: o.o nope
Kris+Dani [6:46 P.M.]: Dani: CU CU CA CHU!!!! I AM NOT INSANE
Kris+Dani [6:47 P.M.]: Kris: Dani's head is spinning around.......SAVE ME!!!!!
________ [6:47 P.M.]: Did i enter a mental asylum?
Kris+Dani [6:48 P.M.]: Kris and Dani: nooo..well...maybe...well actually, yes.....tuyhasdulaighy!!!!
Kris+Dani [6:48 P.M.]: SQUEE!!!!!
________ [6:48 P.M.]: ew
________ [6:48 P.M.]: ew
________ [6:48 P.M.]: ew
________ [6:48 P.M.]: your weird
________[6:48 P.M.]: lol!
Kris+Dani [6:48 P.M.]: Kris(the semi normal one) : Dani is weird... i know - ducks Dani hitting with giant cookie -
________ [6:49 P.M.]: ... ok now midgets settle
Kris+Dani [6:50 P.M.]: Dani: I appreciate the complement... ^-^ who YOU CALLLIN SO SMALL SHE WOULD HIT THE DOOR KNOB????
________ [6:50 P.M.]: You
________ [6:50 P.M.]: :-)
Kris+Dani [6:50 P.M.]: kris: -grabs popcorn- *munch* *much*
________ [6:50 P.M.]: heheheh
Kris+Dani [6:50 P.M.]: Kris: Dani is insane...but she doesn't know it....
Kris+Dani [6:51 P.M.]: Dani: *is actually typing this* ^_^
________ [6:51 P.M.]: :-)
Kris+Dani [6:53 P.M.]: Kris: I speak for both of us when I say WE ARE SUGARY HIGH!!! *HIGH PITCHED LAUGHTER* WICA WICA WAC WE ARE INSANE!!!!!WE ARE INSANE!!!!!WE ARE THE CHAMPIANS!!!
Kris+Dani [6:53 P.M.]: Dani: you spelled champions wrong, dip.
________ [6:53 P.M.]: ...
Kris+Dani [6:53 P.M.]: Kris: ties up dayna and puts her in assylum.
________ [6:53 P.M.]: *asylum
Kris+Dani [6:54 P.M.]: Dani: JASPTH!!!!! YOU CURSED!!!! SOCIETY!!!-Clutches chest drametacly-Kris: at least she is unconcious..
________ [6:55 P.M.]: ...
________[6:55 P.M.]: lol
Kris+Dani [6:55 P.M.]: Dani: Gurggle... fuzzy slippers... in my head... brain sneeze... *foams at mouth* *twitch*
Kris+Dani [6:55 P.M.]: Kris: stars blankly
Kris+Dani [6:55 P.M.]: Stares*
________ [6:55 P.M.]: GOOD JOB
Kris+Dani [6:56 P.M.]: Kris: *pokes Dani*
Kris+Dani [6:56 P.M.]: Dani: *twitch*
________ [6:56 P.M.]: ahhh
Kris+Dani[6:56 P.M.]: Dani: *wakes up and smacks Kris* we have to go.. bibi
________ [6:57 P.M.]: :-(
Kris+Dani[6:57 P.M.]: Kris: she means she has to *go* as in GO to the bathroom....Dani: makes funny noises

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